Why do we recommend AlwaysFit?
Developed originally for our clients with arthritis, AlwaysFit rings use our own patent-pending technology to easily open and securely close comfortably around a finger without the need to slide it on and off. We can revise your engagement rings, wedding rings, or any others that you’d like with this exclusive technology available only at Jewellery Clinic.

AlwaysFit rings are a great solution for:
Those with arthritis, numb or stiff fingers, or experience pain when removing a ring
Those frustrated with rings turning because their knuckles are larger than the “stem” of their finger

Lifetime warranty
AlwaysFit rings are available in a variety of styles, widths, and all sizes in gold, silver and platinum. We can replace the conventional shanks of women’s or men’s rings. Each ring is made to order so you can be confident of a perfect fit.
AlwaysFit rings are 100% guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship.